Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Be good to your feet!

The kind of shoes you wear for running is extremely important. This is extremely critical when running distance. When running long distances your feet as well as the rest of your body need support and cushioning. There is a large amount of impact from runnning on surfaces outside.

A common runners injury is chin splints as a result of not wearing the correct kind of shoes. From my experience of running asics are the most commonly used running shoe.

Careers and Running

A study was done at the University of Champagne that shows just thirty mintues a day could help with brain activity. I can relate to this within my own line of work. I have found that I dont feel as though I can focus enough at work if I skip a workout.

Women can become more confident not only in their appearance but also work performance from exercise.  Running just for thirty minutes a day can help relieve the stress from a hard day at work. Also runnning is a great alternative when most are based in an office all day long.

Set it Up

Each runner should set a goal, the fun part is that each runner will have a different goal. For some it is weight loss, for some it is distance and for others it is just a chance to be out and moving. What ever it is, a runner should always have an idea of where they want to go and what they want to accomplish.

It helped me when I started running to set small distance goals. This allowed me to really push myself each workout even if it was just a few more steps. I recall feeling so very accomplished after my workouts because I was keeping track of my goals.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Make Running a Destination

For the runners located in downtown Chicago. How exciting that you have so many running routes to choose from! Chicago is a beautiful place to tour, explore and admire. Lucky for the runners we can do all that while we get our workout in.
Even for those runners who do not live in the city, we tend to get bored with same neighborhood paths, tracks, sidewalks or even that dreaded treadmill at the gym. Why not take advantage of the city that is only a few miles away. There is nothing like taking a few hours to escape the everyday and explore an enviroment that we are not normally in.

The Running Support System

At one point in time most female runners have experienced the discomfort after a long intense run. This can be so aggrivated to deal with. Most women dont understand what the soreness is from and tend to think that it is a normal effect from running. Clearly, this will differ from athlete to athlete. What I have realized on my own that the soreness that I was experiencing was from the strain of running on my ligaments.

This bra has been a best friend to female athletes who are seeking running support. This is important for runners because so many female athletes will actually discontinue their workouts due to their discomfort.

Run for a Cause

Can you think of a better reason to run?
Each year the Susan G. Komen " Race for the cure" is held in Grant Park. This is the most exciting and meaningful time that a women could ever experience. This is an experience that a runner should never pass up. The running location is perfect right in downtown Chicago. Every female runner understands the amount of effort and dedication that we put into our workouts, this is a perfect chance to but that same energy into the fight against breast cancer!